Which framework for your web application?

 You need to build a web application, and you don't know what to choose as a solution to structure it all.

Angular is a framework that was originally offered to us by Google, and which is currently in a dominant position in the market. However, this position will perhaps be called into question by the arrival of Angular 2, which makes a little noise for its non-backward compatibility. It may not be final yet, but that's what seems to have been decided for now.

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This decision scared many people, including myself. Indeed, the time required to learn to use a framework of this type is quite heavy, and to think that our investment may be useless with each new version is not a very reassuring thought.

Out of this, Angular is in my opinion the most interesting complete framework, due to its extensive documentation and relatively clear use.

Ember is the first "real" framework for web applications I have used, and leaves me feeling too complex to begin with.

If it can be a good choice for very large applications, its structure remains very rigid and its documentation was not up to date on all points, which made me abandon it in favor of Angular.

Backbone is one of the oldest among JavaScript frameworks, and is also one of the most complete despite its reputation for being a little "lighter". Clearly less restrictive than Ember on other libraries and frameworks with which it can coexist, it still provides a complete structure, with models and collections, views,


Knockout is quite questionable in this article, as it is a bit light on functionality, providing only a model system and a tinplating system. However, that's already two features, and adding a routed is so trivial that it fits there in my opinion.

Its particularity is that it is really very light, both in terms of weight and in terms of functionality, and can (or even should) be added to other libraries with which you are used to working.

So, technically, it’s not "really" a framework, but two libraries side by side. However, they adapt very well to each other (logical since they both come from Facebook), and this duo seems to be one of the winning combinations in terms of users.

The particularity of this combination is to use (through React) a virtual DOM, which speeds up processing.

I haven't used React a lot, but my tests on it were good enough, which not everyone agrees.

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